iHeartReports.com is a website for Heartland Retail users to access some customized reports.
This is purely in "Proof of Concept" mode and is "Use at your own risk". As new reports are added and updated so will the look and feel. Many features are planned to be added.
Ideal Computer Solutions Inc. is the creator and for any question or concerns you can email Randy Burnett rburnett@icspos.com.

...  Allow popups for iHeartReports on your browser to drill down on individual tickets
DB - Sales Summary - NEW
Version 1.7     Update- COGS was off by some items that were sold multiple times in a day. Corrected  9/4/22. Consolidated an sql call that was taken time when over a 10 days.
1.5 Complete.... Added sorting of detail by chosen column. Ex. clicking on "Returns" will sort details by "Returns"in descending order. Same with other columns.
1.01 Uncompleted version of an overhaul of the API based Summary Report. Daily we are running API calls to Heartland.us and saving the info on OUR SQL Dataserver. Other Reports and a completed Sales Summary will be posted in the near future.
This DB version will be more reliable and significantly faster. This version has the all the data with the exception of: COGS, COGS %  and finally INV$. This will be comming soon.
Also any sales data not captured to our SQL Server will not be available (We will be running manually each morning for now). Future updates will include up to the minute API call to retrieve current sales. And auto updates

DB - Warehouse Report - NEW
Version 1.5  *********************** In Developement Review ***********************...

DB - Sales Bonus Report - NEW
Version 1.1  Completed

DB - Online Sales Report - NEW
Version 1.1  Completed.  This report still utilizes only one API call

DB - Protection Loss Report - NEW
Version 1.8  Completed.  Updated as to be able to complete on web server
